null string

null string
пустая строка
строка, не содержащая ни одного символа.
см. тж. string

Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.

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Смотреть что такое "null string" в других словарях:

  • Null Object pattern — Null object redirects here. For the concept in category theory, see Initial object. In object oriented computer programming, a Null Object is an object with defined neutral ( null ) behavior. The Null Object design pattern describes the uses of… …   Wikipedia

  • Null — may refer to: Contents 1 In computing 2 In art 3 In mathematics 4 In science 5 People …   Wikipedia

  • Null (computer programming) — Null has several meanings in computer programming.;Null pointer or null reference * Null is a special pointer value (or other kind of object reference) used to signify that a pointer intentionally does not point to (or refer to) an object. Such a …   Wikipedia

  • Null (SQL) — The Greek lowercase omega (ω) character is used to represent Null in database theory. Null is a special marker used in Structured Query Language (SQL) to indicate that a data value does not exist in the database. Introduced by the creator of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Null character — For other uses, see Null symbol. The null character (also null terminator), abbreviated NUL, is a control character with the value zero.[1] [2] It is present in many character sets, including ISO/IEC 646 (or ASCII), the C0 control code, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Null function — Not to be confused with identity function or empty function. In computer science, a null function (or null operator) is subroutine that returns no data values and leaves the program state unchanged. When it is part of the instruction set of… …   Wikipedia

  • String.h — Стандартная библиотека языка программирования С assert.h complex.h ctype.h errno.h fenv.h float.h inttypes.h iso646.h limits.h locale.h math.h setjmp.h signal.h stdarg.h stdbool.h stddef.h stdint.h stdio.h stdlib.h …   Википедия

  • String.h — Demande de traduction string.h → …   Wikipédia en Français

  • String.h — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda string.h es un archivo de la Biblioteca estándar del lenguaje de programación C que contiene la definición de macros, constantes, funciones y tipos de utilidad para trabajar con cadenas de caracteres y algunas… …   Wikipedia Español

  • string.h — es un archivo de la Biblioteca estándar del lenguaje de programación C que contiene la definición de macros, constantes, funciones y tipos de utilidad para trabajar con cadenas de caracteres y algunas operaciones de manipulación de memoria (el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • string.h — <string.h> est l en tête de la bibliothèque standard de C, du langage C, qui contient les définitions des macros, des constantes et les déclarations de fonctions et de types utilisées non seulement pour la manipulation de chaînes de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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